brain exercise book

➢ No matter what age you are, focusing on our Brain Health is one of the best things we can do to improve our concentration, focus, memory, and mental agility by “Brain Exercise”.

➢ What Makes an Activity a Brain Exercise”?

The activity must be:

  1. both novel and complex,
  2. Refine your hand-eye coordination,

Like drawings, puzzles, swing and etc.

Why drawing and how it is called a “Brain Exercise”?  

    • Everybody above 3 years old knows how to draw simple shapes like circle, triangle or square.
    • There is something to draw and paint everywhere and in any situation.
    • Drawing is one of the tasks that is considered Brain Exercise due to the need for novel and complex with eye-hand coordination!
    • Brain exercise” is trying to change in the simple routines and making a challenge for our brain by drawing.
    • You shall try it out to see & feel it as an indescribable experience, which is the beginning of an endless path.
    • By Brain Exercise”, you can get some of the following benefits:
      • Less stress
      • Better memory
      • More positive mood
      • Increased focus and concentration
      • Boost in motivation and productivity
      • Enhanced fluid intelligence, creativity, and mental flexibility
      • Faster thinking and reaction time
      • Greater self-confidence
      • Sharper vision

A murderer will kill you,
A thief will steal from you,
But in this digital life & material world full of
different so called secured points, which you count on them
you’ll never know where you stand with a liar
That is stealing your time, your chances
and your trust with thousands of good excuses,
yet calls you an unfair person
and expects you understand, forgive & forget!

“Enter, stranger, but take heed
Of what awaits the sin of greed,
For those who take, but do not earn,
Must pay most dearly in their turn,
So if you seek beneath our floors
A treasure that was never yours,
Thief, you have been warned, beware
Of finding more than treasure there.”
J.K.Rowling Harry Putter  and The Sorcerer’s Stone
Monday 2022 January 31 2022  1:04a.m.

یک قاتل تو را خواهد کشت،
یک دزد از شما می دزدد،
اما در این زندگی دیجیتالی و دنیای مادی پر از
نقاط مختلف به اصطلاح امن،
هرگز نخواهی فهمید با یک دروغگوی کجا ایستاده اید؟ (با چه شرایطی مواجه هستید)؟
دروغگویی که با هزاران بهانه خوب، وقت، شانس و اعتماد شما را می دزدد، اما
نه تنها از نظر قانونی نمیتوانید به هیچ جرمی متهمش کنید، بلکه آن دروغگو
شما را فردی بی انصاف خطاب می کند و انتظار دارد که :
درک کنید، ببخشید و فراموش کنید!

“ای غریبه وارد شو،
اما مراقب آنچه تاوان گناهی به اسم طمع هست، باش!
گناه کسانی که می گیرند، اما پس نمی دهند ولی بدانند که
باید به نوبه خود سنگین ترین بها را بپردازند.
بنابراین ای دزد، به شما هشدار داده شده است:
اگر لایه های درونی ما ر ا در جستجوی
گنجی که هرگز مال تو نبوده در حال کاوش هستید،
آگاه باشید
بیش از گنجی که فکر میکنید در آنجا خواهید یافت (تاوان بسیار سنگین تر از
ارزش ظاهری دزدی پس خواهید داد)”
جی کی رولینگ هری پاتر و سنگ جادو
دوشنبه 11/11/1400 ساعت 1:04 صبح.